Thursday 18 June 2009

Nine months

Yesterday, Auro was exactly 9 months old. This means that I can't claim anymore that he has spent most of his life inside of me :D
So let's recapitulate: our 9-month old boy is the proud owner of 3 mini teeth, has reached the height of 71cm, weighs a little over 8 kilos (of which, I suspect, more than half is made up by his protruding belly... OMG, he eats a lot!!) and has a vocabulary that reaches from 'gaga', 'dada' to (and this is my favourite) 'mama'!
Another news: tomorrow night my little 'big boy' and I are flying to Belgium. We will arrive at 5:30 in the morning... hope you can make it, opa!?!

1 comment:

  1. protruding belly at eight kilos? no way. hear this: as of his 9-months birthday day before yesterday Jürgen weighs 10 kilos :O this is what I call protruding belly, cheeks, and whatever else can protrude. and he still doesn't eat solids :S instead, to keep up his beautiful figure, he has taken into night feasts with something like 5 feedings per night...

    Auro looks so extremely sweet on every photo you post :) and the three almost painlessly appeared teeth make me jealous ;) not to speak of the words. jürgen doesn't have any yet. but to make up, he whines fluently in any language you can imagine :D

    have a nice flight!! and keep posting. it is so ineteresting and beautiful to see him growing, even if through a blog.
