Sunday 5 April 2009

Plant a tree

It seems that winter in Changchun is finally over: the last couple of days the maximum temperatures were around 15 degrees! So, yesterday and today, we left our caps and gloves at home and went for a long walk. And we were not the only ones! It seems the city is waking up from a long wintersleep: people have traded in their thick wintercoats for lighter and more colourful jackets (and you can actually see faces again!), street vendors are selling fresh fruit (instead of frozen pineapple) and construction workers have started drilling, hammering and doing other noisy things again (day and night!). Also, there are people planting new trees along the road everywhere. Today, when we were out for a walk, we saw 3 trucks loaded with trees entering the university campus. Soon Changchun will be green again!!
To 'celebrate' the coming of spring, we ended our stroll today in a coffeeshop nearby (actually the only coffeeshop in this neighbourhood as far as I know) and treated ourselves to a hot chocolate and some blueberry dessert. Auro, as usual, preferred milk :-)))

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