Thursday 25 March 2010

What's in a name

How many of you know that Changchun (長春) translates as 'eternal spring'? I don't know what the Manchurians were thinking when they gave this so promising name to this city, because we are nearly at the end of March and I still have to see one sign of the coming spring. Three days ago it was still snowing and the temperatures are still not even close to pleasurable. Unless 'spring' stands for 'icy cold season that seems to last forever', I believe the Chinese might be the most ironic people in the world! Or, and I've just realised that now, maybe they meant that if you live here it feels like an eternity until spring comes?!

1 comment:

  1. No lah - Changchun is "long spring". So your endless winter is an attempt to keep you *frozen* in your youth(spring). *haha* Alright, I'm being just super-silly here. ;-)
